Quan es fa? 28/06/2012, dijous, a les 11:00 h
On es fa? Centre Cívic Casa Orlandai, C Jaume Piquet, 23, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi.
Entrada: Lliure
Dades de contacte: 932524262
Organitzat per: International Women's Club of Barcelona
Held in the cafeteria of Casa Orlandai once a month, members of Casa Orlandai meet up with IWCB members to talk about contemporary issues in the different languages. Members do not need to be fluent in all three!
Weekly Coffee Mornings
IWCB Weekly Coffee Mornings 11.00 – 13.00
Casa Orlandai, First Floor. Sala Foix. C/ Jaume Piquet, 23.
FFCC Sarria. Buses 30, 66, 22, 64, 22, 75. Parking.
Every Wednesday, members meet up for coffee and delicious home-baked cakes and a chat to friends in a relaxed atmosphere.
It is the most popular club activity and an ideal opportunity for newcomers to come along and find out about the club, pick up the month’s Activity Sheet, and meet the members.
On the second Wednesday of the month we have an interesting speaker to give us a short talk about a specific area of interest to our members, with an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the theme afterwards.
On the last Wednesday of the month there is a “kilo coffee”, an opportunity for members to bring along dry goods to help a local centre for the homeless.